Wednesday, January 1, 2014

New Families in Playmobil Town!

This Christmas, a few new people moved into Playmobil Town. There was plenty of excitement, and now the families are finally settling in (I'm SO sorry I haven't posted lately - I've been busy with my three other blogs).
Here are the three new families!
The Madison Family
Front Row (from left to right): Payton (10 months), Noah (10 months - twins),
Middle Row(from left to right): Owen (9), Genevieve (9), Joy (6),
Back Row (from left to right): Mom, Dad,  Collin (16)
Jobs: Mom = Works as a park ranger co-manager
Dad = Owner of the local bakery
Collin = part time/weekends worker at the local bakery

The Madison Family
(dad is the younger brother of the other Mr. Madison)
Family: Mom, Leo (6), Dad (not pictured)
Jobs: Mom = runs the gift shop & rentals shop at the local park
Dad = professional business man, but is currently on his way home to help his brother run the local bakery. 

The Patterson Family
Family: Mom & 16 year old daughter Kelsey, (dad & mom are separated)
Jobs: Mom = pediatrician
Kelsey = part time/weekends hair dresser, wants to be a professional & go to school for it.
Those are all the new families! 3 new families!  

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