Monday, September 2, 2013

The Woodsley Family Trip Part 2!

So, we are going to check up on the Woodsley family again......
Midnight the Black Labrador Retriever is sitting up on the childrens' beds and just chillin' out watching Josie and Tommy.

The girls were waiting for the camper to stop, and for them to get to their resting place for the night.

Suddenly, the camper came to a stop. "Hey, Dad? Why are we stopping?"
"Well Tim, it's getting pretty late - we can't drive on forever! We still have one more day worth of driving before we get to our destination," Dad took his keys out of the ignition and began to lock up the machine system that ran the big RV.
"But couldn't we drive just an hour more?" Tim whined. He wanted to get to the destination sooner.
"We've been driving 12 hours, we all need to take a rest, eat dinner, and sleep sometime!"
"Alright, I guess so," Tim sighed.
Josie had been giving Tommy a talk about behaving. He had fought and misbehaved with his sisters a lot that day, and Josie didn't want it happening again.
"You understand?" Josie asked.
"Yes," Tommy sighed and walked over to where Suzie was playing. He decided to just play nicely with his sisters - for now anyway.

Then, Mom walked out to the side of the RV where she opened the door to where the dogs were and she let them out. They had been checking up on the dogs every other hour.

Dad, Josie, and Mom walked the dogs around the parking lot of the grocery store. The kids stayed inside and waited. In just a few short 10 minutes, all the dogs were walked. They were put back in the side compartment of the RV. They would be taken out again after dinner.

Dad closed the hatch to the dogs, and off they went back into the RV to decide on dinner.

As they all talked and decided what to do for dinner, Josie calmed Baby Alice who had been wild all day.

Finally dinner was decided, and Dad took Tommy and Harry with him to get the dinner. In the grocery store, he held Tommy up to put the money into the vending machine to get the juice and water that they needed.

Out came bottle after bottle until they had enough for everyone to drink.

They went into the grocery store to get some food, and came back out with a whole basket full. They all took it back to the RV.

As Dad took out the things to prepare the dinner, the dogs were put up in the front of the RV. The machine and engine was locked, so the dogs couldn't press the horn or drive the whole RV away.

As dinner cooked, Harry taunted Janie and started stealing her dolls. Janie and Harry got into a huge fight. Tommy stood nearby innocently, though he was secretly cheering Harry on.

After dinner, all the kids came outside to stretch and get the puppies out to sleep in the RV for the night. It wouldn't be as crowded since everyone would be asleep.

Midnight and Chocolate Chip came out and herded the puppies into the RV for the night.

Suzie and Janie held onto Baby Alice so she didn't crawl or walk away somehow. If she did, it would be hard, as it was completely dark out. The only light was the moon and the parking lot lights.

Soon, the dogs were all inside and preparing for their night of sleep. Look how much room they take up!
All the kids began to climb up into their beds. They always loved climbing up the back ladder.

Bea, Janie, Suzie, and Harry all got the children beds.

Tommy and Tim however, had to sleep on the built in booths that pulled out and turned into beds.

After the children got settled down, and the dogs got settled down, Dad went down to take the bikes out and lock them to the back of the camper.

The side compartment of the RV was actually a room. It used to be storage, but Dad changed it into a room by adding a lamp and a corner seat. Josie loved having her own room in the RV. She had the key to unlock herself if necessary, but no one could get in (except for Dad and Mom who had the other key).

The turned off the lights, and soon, Dad, Mom, and the Baby were asleep.

Under the grocery store parking lot lights, the big RV looked so peaceful.

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